What are our current projects?

„One Hand for Barsha“

At the age of one, Barsha suffered burns and lost her right hand. We have set ourselves the goal of organizing a prosthesis for Barsha to alleviate the physical impairment and social stigma.

Karma Flights

Together with the charitable organization Karma Flights from Pokhara, Nepal, we have distributed jackets to needy children in mountain villages. Among other things, we want to organize a prosthesis for Barsha with Karma Flights.

More information about the Rostkloppers going to Kathmandu

If you want to know more about us take a look at our Blog or write to us


What's going on here?

One Hand for Barsha – Es geht voran

Wir wussten von Anfang an das es ein dickes Brett wird, das wir da bohren wollen.  In Nepal erlernte Geduld in Kombi mit norddeutscher Gelassenheit sind eine gute Grundvoraussetzung mit der wir uns auf den Weg gemacht haben. Inzwischen Read more…

Donations or contact

You can either send us money directly via Paypal or transfer money directly to our account. If you would like to support us in any other way, simply fill out our contact form.
Donate with PayPal

Or send money via PayPal
Select "Friends and family": spenden@rostkloppers-kathmandu.de

Donation account

Fiduciary administrator: Manuel Gerber
IBAN: DE23 1305 0000 1041 9172 91

Contact us