Help keep the children in Nepal warm and healthy this winter! Nepal is one of the most disaster-prone areas in the world. More than 80 percent of Nepal's total population is at risk from natural hazards such as floods, landslides, storms, hailstorms, fires, earthquakes and Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs). Every year, hundreds die of disease in Nepal due to lack of warm clothing and insulation in their homes. Thousands more suffer terribly from the cold. The very young and the very old are particularly at risk. An insulated winter jacket for a child costs 12 US dollars to protect them from the cold. Together with the non-profit organization Karmaflights from Pokhara, Nepal, we want to distribute such jackets to children in the mountain villages at the end of October 2023. Your donation will go directly towards the purchase of children's clothing. The overheads and administrative costs of KarmaFlights are covered by a separate fund specifically for this purpose.
Eine Reise der Hoffnung
Gute Nachrichten von unserem Freund Prem Bahadur Kunwar aus Nepal Barsha Budhas Weg zu einem Neuanfang gemeinsam mit den „Rostkloppers going to Kathmandu“ Barsha Budha, ein 12-jähriges Mädchen aus dem abgelegenen Dorf Hukam in Rukum in East Nepal ist das älteste Read more…